Miscellaneous pictures

Here's a shot I got of the upper Klamath lake this term. What a pretty place. 
Larsen Arndt of D & S Logging walks down the length a log before bucking it off to be hauled to the mill on May 26th, 2017 in Salem, Oregon.
Larsen Arndt of D & S Logging pulling a turn of logs out of a hole in Salem, Oregon on May 26th, 2017.

                                            The mural on the side of the Activities Center.

Some flowers along the walkway.

Photo of the baseball game against SWOCC on April 8, 2017.
The beach of the Northshore in Oahu during the Billabong Pipemasters surf competition in December 2016.
Here's my border collie, Hammy. He has more energy than a chiwawa hopped up on RedBull. 


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